Some words use in NGO (এনজিও ব্যবহৃত কিছু শব্দ)

HH                   - Household.

IGA                 - Income Generating Activity.

LEP                  - Livelihoods of Extreme Poor.

MDF                - Market Development Fund.

MDG               - Millennium Development Goal.

MFI                  - Micro Finance Institution

MOG               - Market Operating Group.

NGO                - Non Governmental Organization.

NLP                 - Normal Livelihood Programme.

PCR                 - Project Completion Review.

PIE                   - Participatory Impact Evaluation.

PRA                 - Participatory Reaction & Action.

PRA                 - Participatory Reflection & Action.

PRA                 - Participatory Rural Appraisal.

PRSP                - Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper.

PSC                  - Para Support Committee.

PSO                 - Practical Segmentation of Objective.

RRA                - Rural Rapid Action.

SEDC               - Socio-Econimic Development Contact.

SEDP               - Socio-Economic Development Plan.

SIC                  - Skim Implementing Committee.

SL                    - Sustainable Livelihoods.

SSN                 - Social Safety Net.

ADP                 - Annual Development Programme.

AGM               - Annual General Meeting.

ATP                 - Asset Transfer Programme.

CAP                 - Community Action Plan.

CBO                - Community Base Organization.

CBR                 - Community Base Rehabilitation.

DMC                - Disaster Management Committee.

EDP                 - Enterprise Development Programme.

ELO                 - Effect Level of Objective.

FFA                 - Food For Asset.

FFT                  - Food For Training.

FFW                 - Food For Work.

FGD                 - Focus Group Discussion.

GDI                 - Gender Related Development Index.

GEM                - Gender Empowerment Measure.

GO                   - Governmental Organization.

TNA                - Training Need Assessment.

UP                   - Union Porished.

VCA                - Vulnerability & Capacity Assessment.

VDC                - Village Development Committee.

VGD                - Vulnerable Group Development.

VGF                 - Vulnerable Group Feeding.

VSLA              - Village Savings Loan Association.

WBA               - Well Being Analysis.

WR                  - Wealth Ranking.


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