Communication (যোগাযোগ)

cÖkœ t
Communication ‡hvMv‡hvM ej‡Z wK ‡e‡Sb ?

DËi t †hvMv‡hvM n‡jv `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK e¨w³i gv‡S Df‡qi Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq I †evaMg¨  mvavib Z‡_¨i wewbgq|

‡hvMv‡hv‡Mi Dcv`vb mg~n t

1)      ‡cÖiK Sender

2)      evZ©v Massage

3)      gva¨g Media

4)      cÖvcK Receiver

5)      cªwZevZ©v  Feedback

Characterizations of Sender (‡cÖi‡Ki ‰ewkó) t

            Q         - Question (†Lvjv/ e× cÖkœ)

            L          - Learning/ Hearing (†kLv/ †kvbv)

            O         - Observation (ch©‡e¶Y Kiv)

            P          - Para-Page (av‡c av‡c GMv‡bv)

Characterizations of Massage (evZ©vi ‰ewkó) t

            K         - Keep your

            I           - Information

            S          - Short and

            S          - Simple


Media of Communication (‡hvMv‡hv‡Mi gva¨g) t

  • - †cvóvi, †d÷zb, e¨bvi, wPwV, msev`cÎ
  • - †Uwj‡dvb, †gvevBj
  • `k©b I kªeb
  • - †Uwjwfkb, wfwWI, wm‡bgv BZ¨vw`|

Characterizations of Receiver (cÖvc‡Ki ˆewkó) t

  • g‡bv‡hvMx
  • AvMÖnx
  • eÜzmyjf
  • evZ©vi g~j¨ m¤úv‡K© eyS‡Z n‡e
  • wdiwZ evZ©v †cÖi‡Y m¶g
  • MÖnYkxj/ ‰ah©kxj

Need of Feedback (cÖwZevZ©vi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv) t

Ø  cªwZevZ©v †hvMv‡hvM‡K GKwU wØgyLx cÖwµqvq cwiYZ K‡i

Ø  cÖwZevZ©v/wdiwZevZ©v †_‡KB †cÖiK eyS‡Z cv‡ib cÖvc‡Ki Kv‡Q evZ©vwU mwVKfv‡e †cuŠ‡Q‡Q wKbv

Ø  cÖwZevZ©vi gva¨‡gB †cÖiK I cÖvcK ci¯ú‡ii Abyf~wZmg~n eyS‡Z cv‡ib

Ø  cÖwZevZ©vi gva¨‡gB cÖvcK †Kvb A¯úó evZ©vi e¨vL¨v PvB‡Z cv‡ib|

Kvh©Kix †hvMv‡hv‡Mi Dcvqmg~n t

1.       mwVK Z_¨ †`qvi gva¨‡g (Giving Right Massage)

2.       mwVK e¨w³‡K Z_¨ †`Iqv ( To Right Person)

3.      mwVK ga¨‡gi mvnv‡h¨ (Through Right Channel)

4.       mwVK mg‡q ( In Right Time)

Objectives of Communication (‡hvMv‡hv‡Mi D‡Ïk¨) t

A         - to Aware (m‡PZb Kiv)

E          - to Educate (wk¶v`vb Kiv)

I           - to Inform (Rvbv‡bv)

M         - to Motivate (DØy× Kiv)

Kvh©Ki †hvMv‡hv‡Mi †¶‡Î 7 wU ÔC’t

  • Command Attentation (g‡bv‡hvM AvKl©Y)
  • Clarify the Massage (cwi®‹vi Z_¨)
  • Create Trust (wek¦vm ‰Zix K‡i)
  • Cater to the Heart and Head (g‡b ev wPšÍvq `vM Kv‡U)
  • Communicate a Benefit (DcKvi ev jvf †evSv‡e)
  • Call for Action (Kv‡Ri Rb¨ AvnŸevb K‡i)
  • Consistency Counts (mvgÄm¨Zv)

‡hvMv‡hv‡Mi aib t

1.       AvšÍte¨w³K †hvMv‡hvM

                                                                          i.      GKK †hvMv‡hvM

                                                                        ii.      `jxq †hvMv‡hvM

2.       MY †hvMv‡hvM

Poster (‡cvóvi) t ‡cvóvi †hvMv‡hv‡Mi GKwU gva¨g| †cvóvi cÖ¯‘‡Zi mgq we‡eP¨ welqmg~n‡K Bs‡iRx kã CAMPUS Gi mvnv‡q¨ g‡b ivLv hvq|

Campus           - Colourful/Clear (iw½b/cwi®‹vi)

cAmpus           - Attractive (AvKl©Yxq)

caMpus           - Meaningful (A_©en)

camPus          - Presented Well (fvjfv‡e Dc¯’cb †hvM¨)

campUs           - Understandable (†evaMg¨)

campuS         - Simple & Self Explanatory (mnR I ¯^-e¨L¨vg~jK) (mnR ej‡Z - enb, msi¶b, ˆZix, e¨envi I e¨vq mewKQyB mnR nIqv‡K †evSvq| †cvóv‡i is Gi e¨env‡ii ‡¶‡ÎI weP¶bZvi cwiPq w`‡Z nq| mvavibZt bxj is- ¯^‡cœi cÖZxK, meyR is- cÖvY I cÖK…wZi cÖZxK, jvj is- wec‡`i cÖZxK, mv`v is- kvwšÍi cÖwZK, Kvj is- †kv‡Ki cÖwZK wn‡m‡e e¨envi Kiv nq|)


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